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Relationships Reclaimed

Relationships Reclaimed Podcast

Join us, Registered Therapeutic Counsellor Vicki Wilburn and certified Life Coach & Therapist Arianne Moore, as we explore and share stories of how we are reclaiming relationships with Body Image, Food, Sex, The Unknown, Fun, Happiness, Trauma and so much more!!! Our conversations are honest, real, raw, and human in hopes YOU can start to reclaim your relationships with anything and everything


*Relationships Reclaimed podcast and the information we deliver is in no way a substitute for one to one professional help. If you would like to know more about finding help, you can check out our websites here with me or through Arianne at ...

00:00 / 47:25

Episode 5: In this episode, we look at how pain in one area can have a ripple effect on the other (or even all) aspects of our lives and even how pain impacts our relationships. 

00:00 / 56:23

Episode 4: with guest co-host we open the conversation about Intuition and questioning... How does one tap into this gift? How comfortable is it to live with our intuition and what happens when we negate or deny this part of ourselves?

Guest Jody Francis on Relationship with Race
00:00 / 1:01:33

Episode 3:Join us as Jody Francis gently and beautifully shares her story and what her unique experiences have been and continue to be as a person of colour. Please, we invite you to open your hearts, open your mind, press play and be curious about what you can learn about your own relationship with race.

00:00 / 54:15

Episode 2: What happens when someone dies, a relationship dissolves, a job is lost or a health crisis arises. Endings aren’t bad, but they don’t always feel good, and some endings might feel amazing and are full of life.

00:00 / 48:02

Episode 1: In this beautiful chat, we open up and expand what dreams and dreaming can do for one's self and how important it is to allow dreams to enter our lives - but there is a limit to this goodness. 

Season 3

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Episode 31: Women on Wings Society is a non-profit organization that helps women in need feel supported while going through challenging times. In this touching episode, Maj shares the powerful story.

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Episode 30: we look at how we perceive our failures and what we make it mean (is it good or bad) when we experience a perceived failure. By hearing our stories, you may relate and can hopefully take loving steps towards this relationship if it has felt challenging for you. 

00:00 / 49:07

Episode 29: we try to dissect what exactly gaslighting is and how it affects us as individuals and as a society. We share about our relationships with being on the receiving end of gaslighting and we asked ourselves if we've been the one to throw the gasoline on another. 

00:00 / 56:37

Episode 28: n many of our previous episodes, we talk about the 'relationships' from a therapeutic stance (mostly). But as we dive into the discussion of how we experience our own health, we share more of our personal experiences. 

00:00 / 50:12

More Coming Soon

Episode 27: This is going to be a short and sweet description of this episode because it's just worthy of a listen! In our last episode, we talked about the relationship with creativity, and in this episode, we talk about the expression of creativity, because we all have our unique way of allowing our internal world to be released.

Stay Tuned for more episodes to be uploaded. 

Season 2

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